Pop-Up Cards


This Pop-up birdie was very fun to make! I found a template online for a standard pop-up bird and adapted it to fit my own purposes. This included looking at a lot of children’s pop-up books along the way which I enjoyed a bit too much. Each piece was painted separately with acrylics and then it was assembled.

At the moment the card is a simple square piece folded in half, however with more time I would like to experiment with different shapes and clolours.

Paint and Pen


This week we have been looking at illustration. The image above is done with pen and acrylic paint onto acetate. What I like about this style is how you can put the image onto multiple backgrounds and get different versions of the same picture. For example, this would work well with a plain colour in the background as the image is quite detailed, but there is nothing to stop you from overlaying different pictures to give a busier outcome with more depth. I will keep experimenting! I hope you like it 🙂

Anne Bachelier

I found this French artist and Illustrator whilst doing some research for another project. I had never heard of her before but her work is well known especially in France. The piece above is just one of the many beautiful examples I found. Her subject matter is often transformation and metamorphosis which is illustrated in a slightly surrealist style. The use of colour and light, particularly in the background, shows the mood of the piece to great effect. I also love the way the hair is painted- it looks almost soft to touch.

I will definitely be looking into her work more! Some really beautiful images 🙂

Hello world!

Hello Readers!

This blog will be a place where I will share my work and the work of others that inspire me. Hopefully you will enjoy reading it as much I do writing it  🙂

It would be great to hear other peoples views on my work and findings or even any recommendations on how I could improve!

This is just the start but I will have pictures posted up soon

Ciao for now!


a piece of work I did for GCSE in 2009, I’m hoping my work has progressed since then!